Ekho Couture

How to survive your Matric dance- Step 1- The Budget

So, you’ve finally made it! Your Matric year has arrived and you are starting your planning for this special event.

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The number 1 topic to tackle with your parents or guardians is the “Budget”. Some may try to shy away from this topic…sticking their heads in the sand…but this is definitely not the way to go.

Avoiding the budget talk will just result in disappointment later, when, having chosen your dream dress, hairdresser, make-up artist (and the list goes on)…you are devastated to discover that your financial manager aka mom/dad/guardian is NOT too happy with the cost.

There is nothing worse than having to pare down your planning after you have gotten your heart set on certain details! It’s best to set out with a clear idea of the parameters so that you survive your planning…


a) Set out a clear and reasonable budget with the person responsible for paying. Assess how long you have until the dance and what needs to be paid for ahead of time and in each month until the event.

b) Do your research! Be aware of how much services cost. It’s no good wanting a designer or custom made dress without being completely aware of how much you’ll be paying for such services.

c) Delegate funds based on your research. If you know how much the important things in your planning cost, then you can find creative ways to save money in other areas without compromising the essential elements.

For example: in order to put more money towards your dress and hair, you decide to wear a pair of shoes you already have and get your mom to do your make-up. Or perhaps you borrow some amazing jewelry and accessories from your sister? Your dad’s best friend has an awesome classic car…you arrange to valet it and he let’s you use it for the night. you get the idea.


d) Negotiate with service providers! It doesn’t help to ask for a quote and then disappear when you get a response. In this information age we all have a tendency to think that what’s on the the side of the email or sms we just sent out is a machine…but that’s where we’re wrong! There is a human being on the other end, one who takes your message very seriously…service providers take time to draw up your quote and they would much rather engage you in negotiation than see you disappear as quickly as you arrived.

e) Don’t sweat the small stuff…sometimes we get so involved in the finer details that it is hard to gain perspective, that is…until the reality of the spend hits us. As a designer, I often encounter clients who want it all…when just some of the parts are necessary.


For example, have a look at your dress design, to save some money on labour and materials perhaps you could leave out some of the beading? Maybe assess the type of fabric and see if it is possible to substitute it for another fabric that is less costly? Gathering and pleating use a lot of fabric, maybe you could simplify how much of that detailing you have…concentrating on using it on areas where it is most effective rather than everywhere.

f) See where you can contribute to the budget if you simply cannot live without those shoes! Take on a weekend job or do extra chores around the house to earn extra credit with your parents. They’ll appreciate your maturity and possibly be a little more generous on their end if you pull your weight on your end.

g) Start early! Get those quotes in and pull all your numbers together so that you have plenty of time to get your mind around the expenditure.

h) Have fun! Take it as a learning experience and enjoy the process. Don’t allow service providers to bully you into spending more than you had planned. Simple!


Now off you go…start planning that budget today!

This entry was published on January 12, 2015 at 4:59 pm. It’s filed under Budget, Matric Dance dress, Planning, Quotes, Survive yourmatric dance and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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